Results For Category: "Uncategorized"

Workout: 11_15_2022

Warm up – 2x:Calf scoops> figure four< forward lunge > lateral lunge< – 2x: High knees>< + butt kicks >< +Vertical jump to broad jump>…

Workout: 11_14_2022

Warm up Warm-up:3x: band pull apart x 12 + Swimmer claps x 12 + arm circles x 10f/10b  3x: Scap push-ups x 10 + dead…

Workout: 11_11_2022

Warm up – Coaches choice dynamic warm up x 8 minutes – 3x: Banded RDL x 10 + Step through rotation x 4 + Push…

Workout: 11_10_2022

Warm up – Light KB Goblet hold x 1 minute- Dive bomber push ups x 1 minute- Dead hang x 1 minute – 2x: Side…

Workout: 11_09_2022

Warm Up – 3x: Goblet squat x 10 (light) + squat rotations x 4 + wide stance KB RDL x 10  – Frog stretch x…

Workout: 11_08_2022

Warm up – 2x: Yoga push up toe touch x 5 + seated band pull x 10 + palm up pull apart x 10 –…

Workout: 11_07_2022

Warm up – 3x: Air squats x 10 + Banded glute bridge x 10 + Banded kick backs x 10/10   – 2x: High knees ><…

Workout: 11_04_2022

Warm up – Plank step through x 10 (switch on coaches cue. Sit in each for a few sec.) – Squat rotation (on coaches cue)…

Workout: 11_03_2022

Warm up – 3x: Jumping jacks x  12 + Band pulls x 20 + Knee to elbow push up x 6 (as you come down,…

Workout: 11_02_2022

Warm Up – 1x: Hurdle walks ><  + Figure 4 > + lateral lunges < – 3x: SL Lowering from box x 3/3 + Kickstand…