Workout: 11_07_2022

Warm up
– 3x: Air squats x 10 + Banded glute bridge x 10 + Banded kick backs x 10/10  

– 2x: High knees >< + butt kicks >< + punter kicks >< 

– 2x: KB Swings x 10 + Jumping lunges x 10 + V-ups x 10 
1) 3x: BB SL RDL x 6/6 + 3s weighted step downs x 5/5  

2) 3x: BB Hip thrusts x 8 + Elevated calf raise x 12/12 + Partner band back pedal ><
Complete and Repeat:

– 3 Minute Row for max distance

– Forward Box push >< x 3

– Pull ups x 20
– DB Shoulder to OH x 20

– Dual KB Front rack squats x 20
– Repeat from top