Results For Category: "Uncategorized"

Workout: 4_10_2024

Warm Up – 2 minutes at each: Row, Ski, Bike – 6 minutes: Supine scorpion x 4 + Hip lifts x 10 + banded GM…

Workout: 4_09_2024

Warm up 5 minutes: Partner bear crawl/Dead hang 5 minutes: DB Strict press x 10 + light OH Raises x 10 + Push up to…

Workout: 4_08_2024

Warm up 2x: Hurdle walks >< + Hurdle duck unders >< + Lateral lunge > Forward lunge > 2x: Supine scorpion x 4 + Superman…

Workout: 4_04_2024

Warm up – Squat hold with rotations x 2 minutes – Body rock w/step through x 2 minutes – 2x: HIgh knees >< + Pogo…

Workout: 4_03_2024

Warm Up – Light goblet hold x 1 minute – Feet wide goblet hold x 1 minute – 5 minutes: Squat rotations x 4 +…

Workout: 4_02_2024

2x: – 1 minute of Jumping Jacks– 1 minute of squats– 1 minute of push up step throughs 6 min: Lateral slider lunges x 5/5 +…

Workout: 4_01_2024

Warm up – 2x: Bear crawl > + Crab walks < + lateral push plank walks > + gorillas < – 6 minutes: Band pull…

Workout: 3_29_2024

Warm up 1. 6 pt knee circles x 10R/10L + wide stance squat rotations x 4 + plank wave push ups x 5 2. Band…

Workout: 3_28_2024

Warm up – Squat hold x 2 minutes– Body rock x 2 minutes– 2x: HIgh knees >< + Pogo hops >< + lateral lunges >…