Workout: 4_04_2024

Warm up
– Squat hold with rotations x 2 minutes

– Body rock w/step through x 2 minutes

– 2x: HIgh knees >< + Pogo hops >< + lateral lunges > + Forward lunges < + figure 4 > + HS Walks <
Deadlift warm up: 10-8-6 immediately into part 1.

1. Deadlift: 3-3-3-3 (work to a heavy working set.) Working set = not having to rest at the bottom

2. Hang Power Cleans x 3-3-3-3 work to a heavy working set
1) 3 cone full court sprint x 5 (rest as other groups go. Minimum rest = 45s)

2) 20/10 x 15 sets alt. Between the following: 
– KB Swings
– Push ups
– KB Squat jumps