Workout: 4_09_2024

Warm up
5 minutes: Partner bear crawl/Dead hang

5 minutes: DB Strict press x 10 + light OH Raises x 10 + Push up to toe touch x 8

20/10 x 5: Burpee/Rest
1) Farmer carry >< + Half kneeling DB Press x 8/8 + upward band pull x 12/12

2) Alt. DB Floor press x 12 (controlled eccentric)  + OH Triceps extensions x 12 + hinge fly to press away x 8
1. Row x 200m + DB Incline bench press x 12 + side plank hip dips x 15/15

2. Box dips x 10 + chin ups x 8 + ab roll outs x 10 

3. Bike x 400m + single arm supported row x 10/10 + Forward raise to pull apart x 10