Results For Category: "Uncategorized"

Workout: 1_10_2023

Warm up 3x: 90/90 hip switches x6 + Squat rotation x4 + Bear Crawl ><  3x: KB RDL x8 + KB Swing + KB Sumo…

Workout: 1_09_2023

Warm up 3x: band pull apart x 12 + Chest stretch on wall 20/20 + arm circles x 10f/10b  3x: Scap push-ups x 10 +…

Workout: 1_06_2023

Today you will do a team row x 12000 meters. All other aspects of the workout will be explained in class 🙂

Workout: 1_05_2023

Warm up 5min ski 5min: 20s dead hang + DB cleans x 6/6 + strict press x 10/10 light  Strength HPC: 6-6-4-4-4  3x: BB Front…

Workout: 1_3_2023

Warm up 3x: cat cow x5 + plank strep through x8 + squat rotation x4  3x: Banded good morning x10 + 90/90 waves x8 +…

Workout: 12_30_2022

Warm up 5 min: Banded walks Forward >/Backwards < + KB Goblet Squat x 10 + Jumping jacks x 15  5 min: Yoga push ups…

Workout: 12_29_2022

Warm up – Frog stretch x 2 minutes– Couch Stretch x 1m/1m  2x: Hurdle walks >< + bear crawl >< + calf scoops >< 3x: KB…

Workout: 12_28_2022

Warm Up – 4min ski – 5min: 20s dead hang + KB Swings x12 + strict press x12 (light) – Barbell high pulls x 5 + pull…

Workout: 12_27_2022

Warm up – Guadalupe run  – 3x: SL kb rdl 4/4 + squat jumps x10 + glute bridges x10  – 3x: hinge squat stand x8…

Workout: 12_24_2022

Warm Up Dynamic warm up Work Teams: 1) 4k Row: Every 2 minutes, Each teammate does 12 goblet squats. Person on rower continues to row. 2)…