Workout: 12_30_2022

Warm up
5 min: Banded walks Forward >/Backwards < + KB Goblet Squat x 10 + Jumping jacks x 15 

5 min: Yoga push ups x 5 + Band row to rotation x 5 + DB Strict press x 10  
10 min: BB Front squat x 6 + wtd FFE jumping lunges x 12 + cross body mt. climbers x 20 

8 min: KB Front Rack/OH Carry >< (Switch at the cone) + Wtd. KB Sit up x 5/5 + Kneeling straight arm banded pull downs x 10   
3-4 Person teams: 

1) 2000m Row – After each turn, plate ground to OH x 10
2) 4000m Bike – After each turn, 8 Goblet squats
3) 2000m Ski – 2 wall walks after each turn