Warm up |
– 5 min: Cossack squat x 8 + Forward Lunge OH Reach x 8 + SL Glute bridge x 10/10 – Blue awning run – 5 min: Duck walk > + calf scoops < + Slider hamstring curls x 12 |
Strength |
– Barbell seated GM x 10 + FFE Step back lunges (slow down phase) x 12 alt. + elevated calf raise x 15/15 – Squat to bench x 6 (3s down phase) + SL Lowering on box x 5/5 + SL RDL x 6/6 |
Work |
20-15-10-5 Each set begins with pate push >< – KB Squat jumps – Slamball slams – Dual front rack goblet squats – V-ups |
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