Workout: 9_29_2022

Warm up
– 2x: 90/90 x 10 + Lat stretch on wall x 20s + Dead hang x 20s

– 5 Minutes: KB Clean and press – alternate hands each time. At the start of each minute, complete 10 squat jumps

– 2x: Barbell Front Squats x 10 + Barbell strict press x 10 
1) 2x: Barbell Hang power clean and jerk x 3

2) 2x: Barbell Power clean and jerk x 3

3) 3x: Barbell clean and jerk x 2
One round of each, then back to top: 

1) Bike x 300m + Plate push >< x 2

2) Ski x 250 + plank pull x 10
3) Blue awning run + Plate Ground to OH x 10 + Rotational throw x 5/5