Workout: 9_26_2022

This is the first workout posted to the new blog. Unfortunately, the old ones wouldn’t transfer over. But on the bright side, it’s always a great time to start from scratch. Different format, same great programming 😉

Warm up
– 3x: Band pulls (from pull up bar) x 12 + Banded external rotation (elbows by sides) x 15 + superman pull downs x 10

– 3x: Deficit push ups x 10 + Chin over bar hold x 15s + kneeling straight arm lat pull downs x 12

– 2x: Diver bomber push ups x 5 + side plank dips x 10/10 + bear crawl ><
1) 3x: Hips up DB Floor press x 12 + Ab roll outs side to side x 10 + Single arm row x 10/10

 2) 2x: Barbell strict press x 8 3) 4x: Barbell Push Jerk x 3
12-15 minutes of work:

– Bear crawl DB pull (forward >/Backwards <). Lift dumbbell, set it down. 

– Wall sit lateral raises x 15 reps

– Burpee lateral box jump overs (land on box each time) x 6

– Heavy DB Push press x 10