Workout: 9_07_2023

Warm up
– 8 minutes: Sprawl to double lunge jump x 5 + banded GM x 12 + Squat plate raise x 8 
– 5 minutes: KB Swings x 8 + Push ups x 10 + straight arm pull downs x 10 
1) Heels elevated DB RDL x 12 + staggered close stance DB Squat x 6/6 + Band walks x 15/15
2) Hip Thrusts x 10 + Goblet squat as heavy as possible, any way x 6-8 
3) Deadlifts x 4 (doible overhand grip)
1. Row ladder: 500-400-300-200-100 w/40s rest between each. SPRINT and focus on breathing