Workout: 6_27_2023

Warm up
6 minutes: 
– Push up, step through R/L = 1 x 5
– Yoga push up > 6 heel pumps from downward dog position x 5
– Big arm circles x 12/12

8 minutes:
– Jumping jacks x 15
– Push ups w/3s pause at the bottom x 8
– Dead hang x 1 minute 
8-10 minutes in each section: 

– Barbell bench press w/3s down phase
– 10 (go lighter than usual)
– DB Bent row w/3s pause at top of each rep x 10
– DB raises x 12

– DB Jump through to plank pull x 10 (jump through, pull, pull = 1)
– ½ kneeling KB upside down Press x 5/5
– Dual KB/DB OH Walk ><
With a partner, complete 12 total down and back blue awning runs. One person waits until other person returns.

Then, remaining time

– DB Thrusters
– Pull ups
– Ab Roll outs