Workout: 6_17_2023

Warm Up
– Coach Lead dynamic warm up (8-10 minutes) 
– Couch stretch x 1m/1m
– Seated straddle stretch x 1 min
– 3 min. FLR
– 6 min: Alt KB Clean and Press. Alternate each rep


10 minutes: 
– Plank position DB Transfer one hand at a time. 10R/10L
– Kneeling SA DB Press x 8/8
– Ab Rollouts side to side x 10
20-15-10 – each set starts with blue awning run:
– DB Thrusters
– Plate sit ups

– each set starts with 30 mt. climbers
– Step back lunge w/curl at bottom of lunge (20 total)
– Toes to bar (knee tucks iff needed)

– Calorie ski
– Yoga push ups