Workout: 6_07_2023

Warm Up
– Body rocks x 2 min with push up (this is for Dan!)

– 5 min: step through rotation x 4 + Kick stand RDL x 5/5 + hands behind head squat jumps x 20

– 5 min: band pull apart x 15 + frog hops >< + power skips ><
10 min: 
– Pendlay row x 8 (touches floor each rep)
– Windmill x 5/5
– Lateral jump to rotational throw x 5/5

10 min:
– 3 cone single arm OH Carry w/3 press at each cone. R>/L<
– wide stance goblet squats x 10 (moderate wt. ) 
– Side plank hip dip x 12/12
Complete as many sets as possible in remaining time: 
1. 20 reps of: Cross body mt. climber x 4 + 1 push up = 1 rep. 
2. Dual DB Ground to OH x 20
3. Burpee box jump x 20
4. Calorie ski x 20
5. Sit up to stand x 20