Workout: 6_06_2023

Warm up
2x: Lunge roation > + calf scoops < + ostrich walk < + hurdle walks < 

2x: Hands behind head hinge to squat to stand x 5 + lateral lunges x 10 total + Supine scorpion x 4

6 min: KB Swings x 8 + Hands behind head squat jumps x 10 + KB Squat w/curl at bottom x 5
3x: Barbell RDL x 8 + superman x 10 + hanging scap rotations x 10 backwards

Deadlifts: 5×2!

Take your time between sets. 
1) 3x:  cone to cone side shuffle x 20s + Goblet squats x 20s + KB squat jumps x 20s + 20s rest

2) 3x: KB Swings x 20s + Mt. Climbers x 20s + KB Press (both hands on 1 KB) x 20s + 20s rest

3) 3x: Bike x 20s + V-ups x 20s + Sprinter lunges x 20s