Workout: 5_16_2023

Warm up
– 2x: Lunge w/twist > + fig. 4s > + inch worms < + knee tucks < 

– 2x: Glute bridge x 10 + band pulls x 15 + scapular push ups x 10 

– 2x: Band walks x 12/12 + foot elevated hamstring stretch x 20s/20s + 3 narrow push ups + 3 regular push ups + 3 wide push ups
10 minutes: 
1) split stance single arm row x 10/10 + Hollow body DB Bench press x 10 + straight arm band pull downs x 12

10 minutes: 
2) DB Together incline press x 10 + Deficit push ups x 20s max reps + Feet elevated side plank dips x 10/10
8 min.
– Barbell shoulder to OH (any) x 6
– Toes to bar x 10
– Renegade rows x 6

Then: 8 min: 
– 150m Row
– Dual KB Clean 
– Dual Front Rack Carry >< x 2