Workout: 5_15_2024

Warm Up
– 3 sets back to back to back: Jumping jacks x 20s + push ups x 20s + V-ups x 20s

– 5 minutes: Arms OH Arm circles x 20s + FLR Shoulder taps x 20s + dead hang x 20s + swimmer claps x 10
10 minutes: Incline DB together press x 10 + suitcase/OH Carry ></>< + Plank position DB Transfers x 10

Then: 12 minute cut off. Try to keep the breaks short. 

– 10-1 Barbell bench press
– 1-10 Pull ups

(ex: 10 bench press + 1 pull up, etc.)
4x: Bike x 400m sprints. Perform you go, I go style with partner of similar speed. 

Then, solo work:
– Sit up to throw x 10
– 3 wall walks w/10s hold on last rep
– Banded curl with speed x 20 
– Alternating DB ground to OH x 10