Workout: 5_16_2024

Warm up
– 2x: Hurdle walk overs > + hurdle duck unders < + lateral slide through x >

– 2x: Side shuffles >< + grapevine >< + bounding ><

– Couch stretch x 1m/1m- Frog stretch x 2min 
– 10 minutes: Bulgarian position: Hop to mat (outside of foot) x 5 + hop to mat inside of foot x 5 + 10 split squats no weight

– 10 minutes: Partner hamstring curls x 6 + heavy DB Step back lunges x 12 alt. + elevated calf raises x 12/12
2 sets of each – continuous movement for 15 minutes:

– Ski- Partner banded back pedal 

– Sprinter lunges x 20s- Heavy Dual DB Squats x 6-8

– Lateral box jump overs x 30s- Feet outside of hands slider pikes