Workout: 3_14_2024

Warm up
2x: Standing knee rotations x 12/12 + wide squat rotations x 4 + lateral lunge hold x 30s/30s

3x: Duck walks >< + Calf scoops > + pogo to knee tuck jump > + HS Kick ups/Walks < 

20/10 x 10 alt. Sets: Push ups/Rest and /Squat Jumps/Rest
Work 1
With a team: – 2000m Ski People|Pulls: 3|12, 4|10, 5|8

With a partner complete the following: 
– Lateral box jump overs x 100
– Strict Barbell Press x 100
– Row x 1000m
– Plate Push >< x 10
– Medball sit up and handoff x 100
Work 2
Solo for remaining time: : 
– Bike x 250
– Dual DB Biceps curls x 12
– Dual DB Walking lunges x 12
– Side plank dips x 20R/20L