Workout: 3_05_2024

– Deck squat x 2 minutes!
– 2x: Side shuffle >< + hurdle duck unders >< + B-skips ><
– Adductor stretch x 4m- pigeon on box x 2m/2m
– 2x: Feet together 20s each: Front to back + side to side + pogo hop
– 1x: Single Leg 20s each all right, then all left: Side to side hop + front to back hop + in place hop
– 3x: FFE lunge > hinge > stand x 6/6 + Partner band back pedal >< 
– 3x: Bulgarian split jumps x 10/10 + Wide stance RDL x 10 + Banded kick back x 12/12
40-30-20-10 Calorie row or ski
– After each section:
– 8-10 chin ups
– Rainbow slams x 12
– Heavy Goblet Squat x 8