Workout: 2_10_2023

Warm up
6 minutes: Lateral lunges x 4 + Goblet squat press away x 8 + dive bomber push up x 5

6 Minutes: Barbell strict press x 10 + Barbell curls x 10 + Barbell front squats x 10 
Barbell Complex: Weight should be CHALLENGING but doable. Focus on technique and movement over weight being lifted!

4 sets with 90s break between each set:
– 5 Push press/Jerks (start from rack if needed) 
– 4 Front Squats
– 3 hang power cleans
– 2 Deadlifts
– 1 Bent row 
Individual work. Continue through movements for remaining time:

– Guadalupe run
– Heavy backwards box push ><
– Renegade rows x 6
– 5 pull ups + 10s chin over bar on last rep