Workout: 11_15_2023

Warm Up
– 2 minute plank hold 

– 2 minute active squat hold with arms OH (Full lockout!) work lifting one foot at a time during this hold

– Forward lunge w/OH Reach x 45s each side, back knee off ground. 

– 2x toe elevated iso lunge hold/calf stretch x 20s/20s + squat rotations x 6
– Goblet squat press away at bottom x 6 + banded knee lift with hip opener x 6/6 + Barbell RDL x 8 (light & controlled)

– Front squats x 5 w/3s hold at the bottom of each rep. + banded glute bridge hold at top and push band x 20s + supine snowman x 10
3 minutes in each section w/1m rest between each: 

– Dual KB Clean + Squat > Thruster

– Max distance row (Under 30s/m. Damper below 5

– Slam ball Slam x 5 + Backwards slam ball  throw to wall x 5

– Mt. Climbers x 20 + Squat Jumps x 10 + alt. v-ups x 10