Workout: 11_14_2023

Warm up
– Sprawls x 2 minutes

– 6 minutes: Seated band press (band anchored at bottom of skierg) x 12 + hanging scap rotations x 10 + box press with knee tuck x 20s

– 5 minutes: Light DB Strict press x 10 w/10s OH Hold on last rep + partner med ball plank pass x 20 total + push ups x 8 (slow and controlled)
– 8 minutes: 30s HS hold (Wall facing or kick up to wall) + 3 cone pull/push + seated straight leg raise up and over x 16

– 8 minutes: Dual DB Strict press x 8 + close grip pull ups x 5 + deficit push ups w/3s pause at bottom of each x 8
1) EMOM x 5 minutes: Single arm DB Ground to OH x 3/3 + side/side/back/throw to wall x 10

2) EMOM x 5 minutes: Alt. Push ups x 10 + body saw x 8

3) EMOM x 5 minutes: Bike x 12 calories + Dual KB row x 8 + Dual KB swings x 5