Workout: 10_31_2022

Warm up
– 2x: Leg swings x 10/10 + forward lunge stretch hold x 20s/20s 

– 2x: Windmill > squat x 3/3 + banded rdl x 10 + wide stance hinge x 10 

– FFE on box stretch x 1min/1min – shin box waves x 20
1) 5 minute dual front rack step ups 

2) 5 minute: KB Swings x 10 + Push ups x 10
3) 8 min: Heels elevated goblet squats x 12 + Barbell SL RDL x 5/5 + Lateral band walks with plate extended in front of body (stay low) x 10/10 

– Walking lunges x 16

– Crunches w/medball between knees x 15

– sprinter lunges x 16

– Pull ups x 8 

If time available, finish with 500m Ski