Workout: 10_28_2022

Warm up
5 minutes: 100m Ski + Push ups x 10 + Air squats x 15 

5 minutes: Arm circles x 12/12 + jumping lunges x 12 + superman pull downs (wtd if possible) x 12 

20/10 x 6 press/OH hold
1) 10 min: Barbell Bench press x 10 > Max rep push ups in 20s + Banded curls x 20s 

2) 10 min: FFE wtd Step back lunges x 12 + 2 cone SA KB Carry (goblet) w/3 press at each cone (9 total) + SL Slider hamstring curls x 6/6

– Begin each set with backwards box push >< x 2

– DB Thrusters 

– Slamball slams


– Begin each set with 30s mt. sliders

– KB Swings 

– Dual DB Sit up + 1 press at the top of each rep