Workout: 10_18_2023

Warm Up
5 minutes: lateral raises x 10 + forward raises x 10 + pull apart x 10 

5 minutes: Plank position hand switch (floor to mats) x 20 + plank position shoulder taps x 30 + hanging knee tuck hold x 20s
10 minutes: Barbell strict press x 8 + medball side slam x 10/10 + half kneeling band pull x 10/10

Until 35 min.passed the hour:
Barbell push press x 4 from rack – rest between sets as needed
10 minutes: 
– 3 cone slider w/3 push ups at each cone going down, no stop on way back. 
– Side plank dips x 15/15
– Dual KB Row x 12 (controlled speed)

8 minutes: 
– Partner bear crawl slamball push ><
– 5 minute max distance partner row