Workout: Friday

Warm up
– 5 minutes: Lateral lunges x 8 + prone scorpion x 4 + squat rotations x 4

– Blue Awning run

– 8 minutes: Barbell (add weight as necessary) muscle cleans x 5 + barbell power cleans x 5 + shoulder to OH x 6
Barbell Hang power clean and press: 8-6-4-4-2-2 (You’re not finding a 2 rep max, just move some weight!)
Teams of 3: 
– 3000m Bike- Barbell Front Squats x 120 (135/95 max weight)  (2 people can go at a time) – 200 push ups (2 can move at a time) 

– 1500m Ski- 200 Slamball slams (2 people can move at a time) – 120 med ball sit up to throw to wall (2 people can move at a time) 

– Row max meters in remaining time – 15 pulls per person- After each turn: 5 KBS