Warm up |
1) 6 minutes: Push up w/step through x 4 + swimmer claps x 10 + wtd. Arm circles x 10/10 2) 6 minutes: 15s 90 degree hang from bar + 10 x slam ball slams + alt. KB press x 10 |
Strength |
3x:- Barbell press: Alt. front and behind neck x 12 total – Deficit push ups x 10- Pull ups x 8 3x:- Alt. KB row x 12 (gorilla row)- Feet elevated side plank dips x 12 w/10s hold on last rep/Repeat on other side- Dual DB clean + OH Press x 8 |
Work |
1. 2x: Wall balls x 15 + 60s max effort Ski + Rest 1 min. Then repeat 2. 2x: DB DL > Dual Curl x 12 + 60s max effort Bike + Rest 1 min. Then repeat 3) 2x: 5 wall walks > 60s Jumping + rest 1 min |
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