Workout: 9_19_2023

Warm up
– 6 min: Blue awning run + band walks x 12/12 + Forward lunge w/OH reach x 8
– 6 min: Banded GM x 12 + hands OH air squat x 10 + supine scorpion x 4
– 3x: SL RDL to Lunge to Stand x 5/5 + wide stance goblet squat w/3s pause at bottom x 8 + power skips ><
– 4x: Barbell Back Squats x 10 (moderate w/focus on control) + Partner hamstring curls x 6 
5 minutes: – Dual KB Swings x 5- Dual KB Front Rack Step back alt. lunges x 10 total
5 minutes: – Box jumps (step down) x 8- DB Plank pulls x 5
5 minutes: – Max distance ski. Every 200m perform 10 squat jumps