Workout: 9_13_2023

Warm Up
– 5 minutes:: Yoga push ups x 5 + Bear crawls >< + Crab walk ><
– 2 minute dead hang
– Alternating 20/10 x 8: Barbell Curl/Hold and Barbell press/hold
1) 3 cone slider pull/push w/3 push ups at each cone + Feet acnhored hands OH 4s lowering + seated band pulls x 12
2) Kneeling curl to press x 8 + pull ups x 8 + triceps kick backs x 12/12
Every 2 minutes complete the following then rest remaining time: 
– 8 DB Sprawl to weighted step up
– Dual KB Cleans x 10
– Dual KB Press x 8
– R. Twists x 30