Workout: 8_11_2023

Warm up
– Hurdle walks > + forward lunge w/OH reach > + Figure 4’s < + inch worms >

– Elevated pigeon x 1m/1m- Couch Stretch x 1m/1m

– DB Strict press x 12 + weighted arm circles x 12/12 + Dead hang x 20s
– DB Incline bench press x 10 + gorilla row x 12 + standing straight arm pulldowns x 12

– Barbell push jerk x 6 + Side to side ab roll outs x 12 + half kneeling front rack/band pull x 8/8
With a partner complete the following: 

– 1000m Ski/Row 
– 100 push ups. One holds FLR while other does push ups
– 80 Slam ball slams
– 60 SA KB Clean to press
– 40 med ball sit up to throw
– 1000m Ski/Row