Workout: 7_26_2023

Warm Up
6 minutes: Blue awning run + hip lifts x 10 + hinge > Y > Stand x 10

6 min: Medball high knees in place x 20s + Chin over bar hold x 10s > dead hang x 10s + sit up to stand x 10
10 min: – Partner band back peddle >< + Partner band side shuffle >< + Wide stance dual KB DL x 8 

10 min:- ½ kneeling slam to rotational throw x 5/5 + box SL Lowering x 5/5 + SL Hops R></L><
1. 5 min ski sprint with partner alt. Every 8 pulls

Then, solo x 10 minutes: 

– DB Hang Cleans (catch in squat) x 8
– Heavy Farmer Carry ><
– Heavy Dual Front Rack Carry ><
– Plate sit ups x 10