Warm up |
12 minutes: – Ski x 20s – Prone position chest stretch x 4 – weighted arm circles x 12/12 – side plank thread through x 10/10 – DB Push press x 10 |
Strength |
10 minutes: – Barbell push press x 8 (no rack) – Kneeling Straight arm pull downs x 12 – Plank position knee to elbow x 12 total 10 minutes: – KB Strict press x 5/5 (heavy) – Farmer carry >< x 2 – DB Triceps kick backs x 12/12 |
Work |
2 sets of each, then back to top for 1 set of each: 1) Row x 250 + Strict DB Press x 12 + toes to bar (or hanging knee tucks) x 10 2) Lateral box jump overs x 20 + Dive bomber push ups x 8 + Alt. V-ups x 16 3) Slider pull/push >< + Alt push ups x 10 + Slamball rotational throws x 5/5 |
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