Workout: 5_31_2024

Time flies.

Warm up
– 5 minutes: Band walks x 15/15 + leg swings x 10/10 + bodyweight kickstand RDL’s x 10/10

– 8 minutes: Single DB Bear crawl >< + Goblet Squats x 10 + partner hamstring curls x 5
15 minutes: Back squats: 10-8-6-4-2 (Take your time, build up in weight). 

2 sets of each: Once finished, go to a skierg. Fill up skierg with 3 teammates before starting to fill the next skierg. Team continues to ski until time is up. 

1. 400m Bike w/damper at 10 + SA DB Snatch x 8/8 + R. Twists x 30

2. Blue Awning run + Renegade Row x 8 + DB Clean and press x 10

3. Backwards box push >< x 2 + Alt. Push ups x 10 + Weighted side bends x 10R/10L