Workout: 4_08_2023

Warm Up
– 5 minutes: Jumping jacks x 15 + KB RDL x 10 + dive bomber push ups x 5 
– 5 minutes: DB Curl to press x 10 + Dead hang x 20s + SA OH Squat x 3/3
– 5 minutes: R. Twists x 20 + wtd. Alt. lateral lunges x 8 + Push up shoulder taps x 10 
2 sets of each then back to top for 1 st of each: 
1) 150m Row + Slider pull/push + pull ups x 8
2) Battle ropes x 20s + med ball bench press x 12 + half kneeling front rack/press x 5/5 
3) Ski x 150 + Dual KB Swings x 5 + Dual KB Cleans x 5 + Dual KB Squat x 5 
With a partner: 
Complete 2 sets of each then back to top for 1 set of each:

– Bike x 300/wall balls x 10 
– Wall squat for remaining time

– Slider sprints ></>< 
– 10 push ups/FLR hold

– Wtd. box step ups x 12 
– 10 DB Shoulder press/OH Hold