Workout: 3_07_2024

Warm up
– 3x:Jumpin jacks x 20s + Hip lifts x 10 + Air squats x 10
– 2x: Superman pull down x 10 + bodyweight hinge x 10 + Dead hang x 20s
5 minutes: KB Clean and press – switch hands as needed. Objective is to keep KB moving. Resting is in front rack or OH

5 minutes: Plank wave push ups x 5 + hanging knee tucks x 10 + V-ups x 10
Individual work: 

1) 2000m Bike. Then: 3x: Barbell Deadlifts x 8 + Pull ups x 10

2) Guadalupe run x 2. Then: 3x: Hang power cleans x 8 + Barbell lateral jump overs x 10 + Barbell push ups x 10

3) Ski x 1000m. Then: 3x: DB Renegade rows x 8 + DB walking lunges x 12 + Squat jumps x 10