Workout: 2_08_2024

Warm up
– Body rock w/forward lunge x 2 minutes

– 2x:Standing hurdle step overs x 10/10 + leg swings x 10/10

– Foot elevated stretch x 1m/1m

– 5 minutes: Barbell GM x 10 + hop>drop>jump x 8 + side plank hip dips x 10/10
– Barbell RDL x 8 + pogo hops (explosive) >< + Goblet squat w/3s pause at bottom x 5

– Back squat: 3-3-3-3 (goal is to increase wt from Monday, even if it’s by 2.5lbs)
1. 30s alternating row sprints x 6 each person (get off/on rower quickly. Max distance in 30s)

2. 8 minutes: WTD box step ups x 12 + Rainbow slams x 10 + hanging side to side knee tucks x 10