Workout: 2_06_2024

Warm up
– 3x: Small arm circles x 20s + OH Raises x 20s + pull apart (unweighted) x 20s

– Plank position shoulder touches on coaches cue (2 minutes) 

– 8 minutes: KB Press > Windmill x 3/3 (light) + 20s dead hang + superman pull downs x 12 + push ups x 10 
12>2 (by 2’s) Seated barbell press + Pull ups (increase weight as reps decrease)

16>2 (by 2’s) DB Floor press + Prone DB incline row 

10>1:  DB Biceps curls/Lateral raises
90s to complete w/rest during remaining time.

– Plate ground to OH x 10 + Row x 15 calories

– Wall walk x 3 + Ski x 15 calories

– suitcase/over overhead carry: R>/L<- KB Dual Front rack carry ><- Farmer carry ><