Workout: 1_25_2024

Warm up
– 2 minute bottom of squat hold

– Squat > Hip lift > down > stand x 5 + prone scorpion x 4 + kick stand RDL x 5/5

– Wide stance goblet squat  x 8 (deep) + Power skips >< + Sprints >< 
– FFE Step back lunges (2 plates) w/3s pause at bottom of each rep x 5/5 + lightly wtd. Superman pull downs x 12 + Heavy KB swings x 8

– Deadlift w/4s eccentric (double overhand grip) + Prone SL Hip lift on bench x 10/10  
w/a partner Perform 3 sets of each: 

P1) 10 Goblet Squats and holds in goblet position – standing
P2) Begins 200m Ski when P1 finishes squats

P1) Dual DB Ground to OH x 8 then Hold Overhead 
P2) Begins 40s of mt. sliders once P1 finishes G2OH reps and is holding OH.