Workout: 1_19_2023

Warm up
– 2x: 30s of each: Air squats + shin box waves + superman pull downs

– 2x: Side shuffle >< + carioca >< + Figure 4’s >< + punter kicks ><

– 2 minute hang from pull up bars- 2 minute FLR hold
10-12 minutes in each section:

1) DB Incline press on bench x 10 > Incline prone fly (chest down on bench) x 12 + DB Forward raise to pull apart x 12

2) Barbell push press x 8 (no racks) + pull ups x 8 + Rainbow slams x 10
2 sets of each then back to top for 1 set of each: 

1) 800m Bike + Wall walk x 6 + R. Twists x 30

2) Plate push (plates 10 steps apart) >< + Slider pikes x 10 + Alt. Push ups on yoga block x 10

3) Ski x 200m + Barbell Curls x 12 + Barbell high pulls x 12 + Barbell press x 10 (no weight)