Reminder: No 5:10pm class tonight. 4-5pm is a go! Warm up |
– 2x: Bear crawl >< + gorilla crawls >< + ostrich walk >< – 3x: 20s dead hang + 20s Wall facing HS Hold – 2x: banded ext. Shoulder rotation x 15 + band pull apart x 15 + arms out to side pronation/supination x 20 |
Strength |
1. Bear crawl plate push >< + Dual DB Press w/lean against med ball x 12 + Seated SA Band row x 10/10 2. Standing Dual DB Push press x 8 + Chin ups x 8 + Triceps pull downs x 12 (heavier band) 3. 20/10 x 5: Push up/Rest |
Work |
1. 5 minute partner ski for max meters (10 pulls each) 2. DB Plank pulls x 10 + Feet elevated side plank dips x 10/10 + kneeling dual DB Snatch x 10 |
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