Workout: 10_12_2022

Warm Up
Blue awning run 

– 2x:  tip toe walk > + SL Small hops R>/L< + calf scoops >

– 2x: Squat jump x 8 + hip lifts x 8 + leg swings x 10/10

– blue awning run 
10 minutes:
Barbell SL RDL x 5/5 + DB OH Step back lunges x 8/8 + Slamball step and throw x 5/5
8 min emom:- 3 deadlifts- 3 hang power cleans
1) 4 x 250m ski + rest x 30s

2) 3x: KB Swing x 10 + box jumps x 10

3) 3x: Row x 250m + sprinter lunges x 12 + rest x 30s

If time still remains, go back to top for 2 sets of each.