Workout: 10_03_2023

Warm up
– 5 minutes:: Yoga push ups x 5 + Bear crawls >< + Crab walk ><

– 4x30s dead hang with 30s rest between each set (coach lead)

– 6 minutes: Seated band pulls x 10 + wall facing HS hold x 20s + Superman pull downs x 12
1. EMOM Alt. Minutes x 8 minutes: – Dual KB Clean and press x 10- Pull ups x 8

2. EMOM Alt minutes x 8 minutes: – DB Bench press x 12- Barbell bent row x 12  
12 minutes: 
– Blue awning run 
– Barbell hang power cleans
– Barbell Thrusters
– sit up to stand x 10 (scale as needed) 

If time, coaches choice finisher