Workout: 9_25_2024

Warm Up
– 5 minute team ski 

– 2x: Lateral lunges > + forward lunges < + inch worms >

– Pogo hops > + SL Small hops >< + HS Kick ups > 
1)  split stance med ball slam x 8/8 + Dual KB clean > step back R/L x 5 + SL hops R>/L<

2) SL RDL x 6/6 + Speed skaters x 10 + rotational slam ball throws x 8/8
– 2 cone sprint >< x 3- Gorilla rows x 12- DB Ground to OH x 6/6

– 2 cone sprint >< x 3- R. Twists x 40- Dive bomber push ups x 10 

– 2 cone sprint >< x 3- wtd squat jumps x 12- hanging side to side knee tucks x 12