Workout: 9_13_2024

Warm up
– 1x: Hurdle walks > + lateral lunges < + calf scoops >

– 2x: High knees > + Butt kicks < + Punter kicks > + HS kick ups <

– 3x: 30s of each movement back to back coach led: Right side elbow plank + FLR + Left side elbow plank 

– 5 minutes: Band overhead side bend stretch x 10 alt. + KB Swings x 10 + hip lifts x 10
3 sets of each, back to top for 1 set of each (15-20 minutes of total time): 

– Incline DB Bench press x 12 + SA Row x 10/10

– Triceps pull downs x 15 + Wtd side bends x 12/12

– Lightly wtd alt. Jumping lunges x 12 + DB Lateral raises x 12
12+ minutes: 
– Guad Run
– FFE Step back lunges x 10
– DB Deficit push ups x 10 
– DB Thrusters x 10
– Sprawl to stand w/DB x 10

Coaches choice finisher if time available