Workout: 9_09_2024

Warm up
– 1x: Wide stance squat rotations x 10 + side to side leg swings x 10R/10L + Front to back leg swings x 10/10 + body weight kick stand RDL x 10R/10L

– 2x: Forward lunge knee rotations x 20s/20s + lateral lunge hold x 20s/20s + standing fig 4 hold x 20s/20s

– 20/10 x 5: Squat/squat hold
In groups of 3-4 work for 15 minutes: 

P1) Heavy backwards box push ><

P2) Elevated Dual DB RDL x 10

P3) weighted alt. lateral lunges x 10

If there’s a 4th, they will hold FLR until everyone is ready to move on
Remaining time:

– 500m Row

– DB Bear crawl >< 

– Goblet squats x 12

– Rainbow slams x 12

– Dual DB Deadlift x 10 (go to mid shin if needed)