Workout: 8_30_2024

Warm up
– 6 minutes: Band pass through x 10 + Band pull apart x 15 + big arm circles x 10/10 + Push ups w/5s lowering x 6

– 6 minutes: chest stretch on wall x 20s/20s + Dual DB S2OH x 12 + Bear crawl >< + Crab walk ><
Work each section for 10 minutes: 

– DB Incline Press x 12- 10 biceps curls x 10s 90 degree hold on 5th and 10th rep. – Split stance single arm row x 10/10

– Barbell bench press x 8-10- Plank position DB Transfers x 12- standing straight arm band pull downs x 12 
EMOM alternating minutes x 15 minutes: 

1. Burpees x 5 + Dual DB Ground to OH x 5
2. Blue awning run 
3. KB Swings x 5 + Push ups x 10