Workout: 8_24_2024

Warm Up
1) Mt. climbers x 1 minute

2) 3x: supine scorpion x 4 + prone scorpion x 4 + Dive bomber push ups x 5 

3) Forward lunge stretch x 20s/20s + chin over bar hold x 10s + weighted arm circles x 12/12
1) SA KB Clean and press, alt. As needed x 5 minutes (do not let KB Stop moving) 

2) 20/10 x 10 alt. movements: Push ups/Rest + V-ups/Rest

3) 4 minutes of max work: Air squats x 20 + Squat jumps x 20 + Jumping lunges x 20 
Teams of 2!

– Guad run (Together)
– You go, I go  Barbell Thrusters x 30

– 400m Ski
– You go, I go Barbell push ups x 50 

– 800m Bike
– You go, I go Goblet Squats x 80

– 500m Row
– You go, I go Dual DB Walking lunges x 60