Workout: 8_19_2024

Warm up
– 6 min: Lateral lunge rotation x 4/4 + ½ kneeling lightly wtd. groin stretch x 5/5 + Push up shoulder taps x 8 
– 6 min: kickstand body weight hinge x 5/5 + wide push ups x 5 > neutral push ups x 5 + plank step through x 6
Work each section for 10 minutes:

– Split stance KB RDL x 6/6 + ½ kneeling band pull/DB press x 6/6 + side plank rotations x 8/8

– DB Z-Press x 12 + Goblet position cossack squats x 10 total + slider hamstring curls x 6/6 or 12 with both feet on 
– Row x 200
– Dual KB Cleans x 8
– Dual KB Press x 8
– Dual KB Squats x 8
– Dual KB Feet wide RDL x 8 
* Keep the weight light/moderate and try to keep breaks low during KB Work. Rest before getting back to row for max effort on row.