Workout: 8_09_2024

Warm up
6 minutes: Lateral lunges x 6 + upward > downward facing dog x 5 + lateral plate raises x 10 + weighted pull apart x 10 

20/10 x 5: Push ups/FLR!
2 sets of each, then back to top for 2 sets of each again.

– Bench press: Wide x 5 + Neutral x 5 + Narrow x 5 + side to side hanging knee tucks x 10
– Prone row on elevated bench x 8 + weighted prone position press away x 10 (lightly weighted)
The grind: 
– 20 box step ups
– 20 KB Swings
– 20 calorie Bike 
– 15 KB squat jumps
– 15 Dual KB Cleans
– 15 calorie Row
– 10 Burpees
– 10 DB Push ups to stand
– 10 calorie ski
Go back to top and repeat